Colby McLellan

Colby McLellan - Canadian Hockey Player
Colby started playing hockey at 4 years old and has been playing for 12 years. Founder Shelly Rimes first met him When he was 14 years old and was impressed with his level of integrity. She said “I really had the feeling that Colby was right for our Muscle Check team so I invited him to join our team of Muscle Check Ambassadors”.
Most of the time you can find him at the rink and on occasion you may also spot him snowboarding.
When asked why he chose to be part of the Muscle Check team, Colby shared one of his personal experiences with us. “I was in a hockey game, and I blocked a shot to the side of my knee. I had Muscle Check in my bag and put it on. Within 5 minutes I couldn’t feel the pain anymore, I was back on the ice and my knee felt great”. “Muscle Check is really good for when I get injured as well as my recovery, it helps me get back in the game”. Colby continued by saying “I think more people need to invest in trying Muscle Check. It works so much better than any other store-bought stuff. I love how fast it works and how it gets to work where you need it”.
Muscle Check Sport and Arthritis Pain Relief will help get you back on the ice. IG @Colby_m20